RA6 POSTER: Defining AP5292 effector protein role

URL: https://data.bioheritage.nz/dataset/93bbb65f-51be-422f-a15e-b6cc408221cb/resource/a379a695-58b5-456d-9643-1ef968f4b882/download/amrc-2023-n-hambrook.pdf

Defining the role of novel fungal effector protein AP5292 during myrtle rust infections to inform management of Austropuccinia psidii

June 2023

Hambrook N, Sullivan J, Currie M, Eccersall S, Ogilvie S, Gilks J, Johns T, Meisrimler C, Smith G, Dobson R. 2023. Defining the role of novel fungal effector protein AP5292 during myrtle rust infections to inform management of Austropuccinia psidii. Australasian Myrtle Rust Conference. Sydney, Australia. 21 - 23 June 2023.


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