Host, Pathogen & Environment

This research theme is focusing on the ‘disease triangle’: host susceptibility, the pathogen and the right environment for disease expression.

Plants and pathogens can both be influenced by a number of factors such as disturbance, topography, weather, soil type and pest control. These factors can, in turn, affect how the plant pathogens adapt to New Zealand’s environment.

Our team are investigating the role environmental factors play on disease expression and severity, as well as researching the pathogen genomes. The knowledge we gain will contribute to improving surveillance, control, management and conservation efforts, and we hope to discover new ways to mediate these diseases.

We are testing an innovative kaupapa Māori programme known as Te Whakahononga in this theme.

This provides the mechanism for linking scientists to mana whenua in affected kauri and myrtle ngāhere, while enabling mana whenua to lead field work in their rohe and apply mātauranga based assessments of ngahere health and relationships.

Theme Co-leads:

  • Juliane Chetham, Chetham Consulting Ltd.

  • Nari Williams, Plant and Food Research Ltd.

Data and Resources

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Field Value
Last Updated February 3, 2025, 17:40 (NZDT)
Created November 7, 2023, 11:04 (NZDT)
Publication Year 2023
Start Date 2019
End Date 2023