Ngā Rākau Taketake - Administration
In 2018 and 2019 the Government announced an extra $34.5 million funding for research into kauri dieback ($29.5m) and myrtle rust ($5m). They chose the BioHeritage National... -
Freshwater for our Taonga
Tranche 2: Whakahou Te Tiriti-led research looking at how we can enable our freshwater taonga to thrive. The quality of our freshwater continues to decline around the country.... -
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 1 A novel approach to guiding biodiversity restoration We know we need to do more to protect, restore and connect Aotearoa New Zealand’s unique... -
Mātauranga Māori For Biological Heritage
Tranche 1: Project 1.1 Whakamanahia ngā mātauranga o nehe hai oranga tangata, oranga taiao Kaumātua-(elder) led research that puts Māori methods and mātauranga (knowledge) first... -
Molecular Technologies
Exploring future pathways for protecting our taonga Technological innovation is racing ahead around the globe, but what does this mean for Aotearoa? Before we adopt any new... -
He Mātai i te Taiao
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 2 He Mātai i te Taiao - The perpetual examination of the environment Aotearoa New Zealand is missing the voice of Māori and an adherence to Te... -
BioHeritage Challenge
Biological Heritage National Science Challenge Our Mission Reverse the decline of New Zealand's biological heritage, through a national partnership to deliver a step change in... -
Pathways to Ecosystem Regeneration
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 6 Working with communities to understand important social and ecological linkages for managing, protecting and restoring land and water... -
Challenge Research Essentials
A Different Way of Doing Science The traditional science funding model, which takes the form of applying for competitive grants, is known to create research silos. Under these... -
Crazy & Ambitious Think Tank
Tranche 2 - Pou Stimulating new ideas, approaches or syntheses that are needed to improve our biological heritage over the longer-term. The BioHeritage National Science... -
Supporting a Predator Free 2050
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 5 - Novel Tools & Strategies - Supporting a Predator Free 2050 Novel tools, technologies and strategies need to be deployed to eradicate... -
Novel Tools & Strategies - Invertebrates
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 5 - Novel Tools & Strategies - Invertebrates Novel tools, technologies and strategies need to be deployed to eradicate biotic threats. Many of... -
State-of-the-Art Surveillance
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 4 Automation can improve biosecurity surveillance systems Surveillance is an essential part of protecting New Zealand’s economic assets and... -
Adaptive Governance and Policy
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 7 This investment tackles the ways in which governance and policy need to change to better protect te taiao (the environment). At the moment,... -
Living Labs
The AUT Living Laboratories programme is a ‘spin-off’ project from the BioH NSC Tranche 1 “Farming and Nature Conservation” NSC project. Here, the team are addressing science... -
Non-native invasive plants as a threat to biological heritage
Invasive, non-native plants (weeds) are a major driver of declines in biodiversity and also cause economic damage across different land uses. Plant invasions may be exacerbated... -
He Tangata, He Taiao, He Ōhanga
Tranche 2: Strategic Objective 3 A values-based biosecurity risk assessment framework for Aotearoa. Aotearoa is home to incredibly valuable production and indigenous landscapes.... -
He Oranga Wai, He Oranga Whakapapa: Critical Change in the health of the awa ...
He oranga wai, he oranga whakapapa. Critical change in the health of the awa through Kaupapa Maori-led Kaitiakitanga practices -
Farming & Nature Conservation
Tranche 1: Project 3.3 Sheep and beef farms make up nearly 40% of Aotearoa’s landscape and play a vital role in our economy. At the same time, this land use is home to a quarter... -
Taking the Sting out of the Common Wasp
Tranche 1: Project 2.2 Large-scale eradication may be in store for the humble wasp – a species responsible for one of the worst pest problems in Aotearoa. OVERVIEW Wasps have... -
Public Perceptions of New Pest Control Methods
Tranche 1: Project 2.6 One of the nation’s largest surveys on public attitudes toward new pest control technologies has shown that most New Zealanders support the need for pest...