Mobile Apps to Keep New Zealand Safe
Tranche 1: Project 2.5 Mobile technologies are being developed to help New Zealanders report suspected biosecurity threats, with the first step being a bilingual app that helps... -
Whakawātea Riha Rāwaho
Tranche1: Project 2.4 Māori solutions to biosecurity threats may be the key to combating the serious fungal disease myrtle rust. This BioHeritage Challenge project, led by Alby... -
Biosecurity Network Interventions
Tranche 1: Project 2.1 The spread of pests, weeds and pathogens into Aotearoa is a major cause of the decline of its biological heritage. This includes profitability of... -
The Groundwater Biodiversity Project
Tranche 1: Project 1.5 The unsung heroes of our groundwater system – bacteria that remove contaminants and tiny invertebrates that keep the bacteria in balance – are helping... -
Adaptive Evolution of Native Biota
Tranche 1: Project 1.4 Researchers are collecting DNA information from some of Aotearoa New Zealand’s most threatened species in an effort to make them more resilient to future... -
eDNA For Environmental Monitoring
Tranche 1: Project 1.3 In a New Zealand first, researchers have developed a nationwide database to integrate and share eDNA data to allow biological diversity across our diverse... -
Stopping Kauri Dieback in its Tracks
Tranche1: Project 2.7 Selected native plant extracts may be able to attract and kill the spores of Phytophthora agathidicida – the pathogen causing kauri dieback, according to... -
Combating Pathogen Risk Using Genomics
Tranche 1: Project 1.2 To protect our native and production ecosystems from the invasion of new pathogens, rapid assessments of the potential impact of identified and... -
Mātauranga Māori For Biological Heritage
Tranche 1: Project 1.1 Whakamanahia ngā mātauranga o nehe hai oranga tangata, oranga taiao Kaumātua-(elder) led research that puts Māori methods and mātauranga (knowledge) first... -
Collaboration Agreement
Collaboration agreement between Challenge Parties. The Cawthron Institue was added by deed of accession in April 2018. Note - in this copy signatures have been obscured for... -
Biodiversity Instruments
David Hall & Sam Lindsay (2021) Scaling Climate Finance : Biodiversity Instruments. Concept Paper. Auckland : Mohio Research. A Concept Paper which identifies unrealised... -
Aligned Funding 2017-18
Summary visualisations from research aligned to the Biological Heritage NSC by Challenge parties - 2017/18. See also 2015/16 and 2016/17. -
Shared Authority and Responsibility of Our Environments: Why it makes sense t...
This briefing explores positive examples of shared authority or co-governance of the environment and the benefits that come from iwi and hapū knowledge and leadership. The... -
Kekewai as a stream restoration tool data
Within streams, tolerant macroinvertebrates such as snails, worms and fly larvae, may inhibit colonisation of other macroinvertebrates like mayflies, stoneflies and caddisflies... -
This is a collection of Māori research intern stories for the Biological Heritage National Science Challenge. The Biological Heritage National Science Challenge has a... -
Community Predator Control Group Survey
In this study, we used a nationwide survey and focus groups to understand how community predator control groups choose their methods and operations, particularly those involved... -
Whiria Ngā Aho Te Whāriki: Using litigation as a tool in the pursuit of ranga...
This Report has been developed as part of the New Zealand Biological Heritage National Science Challenge and is intended to contribute to the Adaptive Governance and Policy... -
Restoring Urban Freshwater Diversity Survey data (SO2)
Two surveys were conducted with the joint aim of demonstrating the benefits of applying a systematic behaviour change framework and providing foundational knowledge to inform... -
Invertebrate community data across five stressor gradients
Invertebrate community data (taxon abundances) for sites across five stressor gradients in New Zealand: drying, flooding, eutrophication, sediment and acid mine drainage....