Predicting and Preventing Ecosystem Decline

Tranche 1: Project 3.1

Researchers are developing a framework to help predict and prevent the approach of rapid, harmful and difficult-to-reverse changes in ecosystems.

In this project, researchers aimed to reverse degradation across a range of ecosystems and nudge these systems towards a healthy, self-reinforcing state. Once an ecosystem reaches a tipping point, it can be costly or unfeasible to reverse – for example the loss of peat-forming species in wetlands, and the loss of soil structure and quality following intensive agriculture.

A key aspect of this BioHeritage Challenge project was understanding the processes leading to these tipping points in socio-ecological systems, and how to use that knowledge to develop generic, widely applicable tools that proactively manage and sustain healthy ecosystems.

Project Leader

  • Jason Tylianakis, University of Canterbury

Data and Resources

Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated August 12, 2024, 11:40 (NZST)
Created July 11, 2024, 14:44 (NZST)