RA4 REPORT: Economic Impacts - Data Description

URL: https://data.bioheritage.nz/dataset/8bf0b9f4-142d-4c5c-96c5-e6bba10456d9/resource/40d2ff4e-0fc7-484f-83f7-1a5dab1d3bf5/download/ra4-economic-impacts-data-description.pdf

Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Impacts: Data Description

June 2023

Dowling L, Mattea S. 2023. Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Impacts: Data Description. M.E Research. 31 p.


This progress report provides an update on the Risk Assessment and Ecosystem Impacts project, under Research Area 4, Social, Cultural and Economic Characterisation.

The objective is to assess the impacts of Myrtle Rust caused by the pathogen Austropuccinia psidii and Kauri Dieback caused by a microscopic water mould called Phytophthora agathidicida. To achieve this, we will use cost-benefit analysis and build on previous research. This progress report described the collection of data to support future analysis and presents key findings to date.


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