RA1A Report: Microfluidic cytometer biosensor ...

Zhang P, Williams D, Travas-Sejdic J. 2024. NRT Tools for Detection RA1A: - Microfluidic cytometer biosensor platform for novel detection of Phytophthora agathidicida. 10 p. Confidential Report

This report is not available online. Please contact Dr. Marion Wood to request further details (Marion.Wood@plantandfood.co.nz)

In this work, we developed an innovative and effective solution for detecting zoospores, integrating electrochemical sensing with microfluidic chips. To optimize the device design and deepen our comprehension of the sensing process, we conducted finite element simulations of electrical signals, passive flow and attractant diffusion. We designed and fabricated our microfluidic sensor based on the knowledge we learned from the simulation. In the sensing test, the sensor demonstrated remarkable sensitivity, yielding high signal-to-noise ratio outputs upon the passing of zoospores. We demonstrated that the device could be used in-field. This sensing system holds significant potential for further development into a fully portable device, serving as a valuable tool for on-site pathogen detection applications.

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package id73cdc842-c015-4f9d-99cd-5edf58c54834
revision ida72a7964-49f7-44c0-b754-ed5cb34d2428