RA1.1 PAPER: He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua

URL: https://doi.org/10.22381/kc11120232

He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua Perspectives of te Taiao, Ngahere and Taonga Species.

April 2023

Apiti A, Tassell-Matamua N, Moriarty T. 2023. He Taonga Kē Ngā Kaumātua: Kaumātua Perspectives of te Taiao, Ngahere and Taonga Species. Knowledge Cultures 11(1): 19-33.


Māori cultural beliefs, values and practices are intimately connected to te taiao, the natural environment. While te taiao is of unique cultural significance, contemporary Māori live in diverse realities, so beliefs, values and behaviour cannot be viewed through a singular lens. Within Māori society, older Māori are often referred to as kaumatua, who are valued by their communities for the intergenerational transfer of knowledge and afforded respect and recognition. Consequently, kaumatua perspectives of te taiao, including how it has changed during their time and considerations for the future, are important for informing Māori understandings of the environment.


indigenous psychologies; Māori; environmental perspectives; Indigenous worldviews; taonga species

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