RA1.4 STORYMAP: Kauri Park School Container Art

URL: https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/2e9122c30219452c89d16f0a0e9e1095

Kauri Park School - Art in schools for forest health Container Art Project 2023

October 2023

Thomas K. 2023. Kauri Park School - Art in schools for forest health Container Art Project 2023.


Kauri Park School Container Art project is an exploration into how art making, in particular graphic drawing and graffiti art, can be used to express and encourage children’s learning on ngahere ora (forest health) specific to the pathogens kauri dieback (Phytophthora agathidicida) and myrtle rust (Austropuccinia psidii) two pathogen species affecting native forests in Aotearoa New Zealand. This project followed on from the Mobilising for Action research project Toitū te Ngahere - Art in schools for forest health, that occurred in 2022. This project facilitated a child led enquiry into ngahere health. It followed the subsequent interest of teachers and students in the closure of their local Kauri Park Reserve as a result of kauri dieback.

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License CC-BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Created9 months ago
package id6e320eef-e8a8-4daa-946f-0796b680273a
revision id7bf93651-f885-4148-ab69-76502a3ce1f9