RA2.4 VIDEO: Awakening Aotearoa and Mobilising ...

URL: https://youtu.be/bvj3Rx4QjJg?si=rSjJOb_1mUqb1aXG

E Oho! Awakening Aotearoa and Mobilising Change: Noho Marae Wānanga at Ohaki Pā

July 2023

Taylor L. 2023. E Oho! Awakening Aotearoa and Mobilising Change: Noho Marae Wānanga at Ohaki Pā. YouTube.


This video is part of the project Māori Resistance and Resilience Through Aotearoa-Based Planning and Resource Management, led by Kairangahau Māori Lara Taylor (Ngāti Tahu, Te Arawa, Ngāti Pāhauwera, Ngāi Tai ki Murihiku) as part of the Whanake te Kura I Tawhiti Nui programme of the Resilience to Nature's Challenges National Science Challenge. The research is in collaboration with Papa Pounamu - the national forum for Māori planners, researchers and environmental practitioners. Together we are progressing Māori resistance and resilience through the current reforms of the resource management framework, and working to bring about a Te Tiriti-centric planning framework that works for te taiao and communities.

Ngā mihinui ki a koutou - thank you to all who engaged in our E Oho! Awakening Aotearoa - Mobilising for Action wānanga at Ohaki Pā and are now sharing their experiences and learnings out across their respective spheres of influence. Mauri tū, Mauri ora!

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Created7 months ago
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revision id8fb2507c-f111-4100-a228-3b75ea51010c