PAPER: Notch signalling in honeybees


Notch signalling mediates reproductive constraint in the adult worker honeybee

August 2016

Duncan EJ, Hyink O, Dearden PK. 2016. Notch signalling mediates reproductive constraint in the adult worker honeybee. Nature Communications 7: 12427.


The hallmark of eusociality is the reproductive division of labour, in which one female caste reproduces, while reproduction is constrained in the subordinate caste. In adult worker honeybees (Apis mellifera) reproductive constraint is conditional: in the absence of the queen and brood, adult worker honeybees activate their ovaries and lay haploid male eggs. Here, we demonstrate that chemical inhibition of Notch signalling can overcome the repressive effect of queen pheromone and promote ovary activity in adult worker honeybees. We show that Notch signalling acts on the earliest stages of oogenesis and that the removal of the queen corresponds with a loss of Notch protein in the germarium. We conclude that the ancient and pleiotropic Notch signalling pathway has been co-opted into constraining reproduction in worker honeybees and we provide the first molecular mechanism directly linking ovary activity in adult worker bees with the presence of the queen.


Eusocial insects Division of labour; Queen reproduction; Worker caste; Reproductive constraints; Pheromones; Ovary activation; Notch signalling

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