PAPER: Population dynamics of common wasps


The long-term population dynamics of common wasps in their native and invaded range

January 2017

Lester PJ, Haywood J, Archer ME, Shortall CR 2017. The long-term population dynamics of common wasps in their native and invaded range. Journal of Animal Ecology: 86(2): 337-347.


We examined the long-term population dynamics of the invasive common wasp, Vespula vulgaris, in its native range in England and its invaded range in New Zealand. We used 39 years of wasp density data from four sites in England, and 23 years of data from six sites in New Zealand. Wasp population time series was examined using partial rate correlation functions. Gompertz population models and multivariate autoregressive state-space (MARSS) models were fitted, incorporating climatic variation.

Keywords population density; population dynamics; Vespula vulgaris; density dependence; invasive species

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