BROCHURE: Restoring nature together


Restoring nature together / Te mahi ngātahi ki te whakaora ake i te ao tūroa. Successes, challenges and finding better ways

January 2023


New Zealanders care greatly about Aotearoa’s biological heritage – our nature, our culture – and thousands of people invest time and effort to reverse its decline. Many have discovered that incredible outcomes are possible when groups, whether that be hapū, whānau, community groups or businesses, come together to achieve common restoration goals. But it’s not always easy.

When people with different worldviews and experiences join together as collectives, they can improve outcomes across wider landscapes. Collectives have more influence with decision makers, and they can build momentum and capacity for enduring, transformative change. Our aim is to provide solutions that support collectives like yours to be effective, sustainable and culturally appropriate. To enable that, we want to hear about communities’ unique needs and successes so we can direct our research accordingly.


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