WEBINAR: Coming together to amplify ecosystem ...

URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGW7YBZTMZE

Coming together to amplify ecosystem regeneration

February 2022

Kiely McFarlane - Social scientist, Cawthron Insitute

ABSTRACT More and more people are joining together as collectives to increase the scope and impact of their regeneration projects. When iwi, hapū, local environmental groups, government entities, and NGOs work together they can enhance their social and ecological impact. The BioHeritage Pathways to Ecosystem Regeneration team wanted to figure out what kinds of collaboration work best for different situations, so they reviewed both international case studies and surveyed 27 ecosystem regeneration collectives within Aotearoa. In this webinar the research team will discuss their findings, including a typology of collectives and analysis of collectives’ contribution to community-led regeneration. They will then show how these results are shaping the next steps in their research.

To watch the webinar CLICK HERE

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