PAPER: Assessing patterns in introduction pathways


Assessing patterns in introduction pathways of alien species by linking major invasion data bases

November 2016

Saul WC, Roy HE, Booy O, Carnevali L, Chen HJ, Genovesi P, Harrower CA, Hulme PE, Pagad S, Pergl J and others 2017. Assessing patterns in introduction pathways of alien species by linking major invasion data bases. Journal of Applied Ecology 54(2): 657-669.


We analyse the data for major patterns in the introduction pathways, highlighting that the specific research question and context determines whether the combined or an individual data set is the better information source for such analyses. While the combined data set provides an improved basis for direction-setting in invasion management policies on the global level, individual data sets often better reflect regional idiosyncrasies. The combined data set should thus be considered in addition to, rather than replacing, existing individual data sets.


biosecurity; escape; introduction pathways; invasion management; invasive non-native species; prevention; prioritisation; release; standard pathway categorisation; transport

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