REPORT: Māori Perspectives on Synthetic Biology


Māori Perspectives on Synthetic Biology for Environmental Protection.

August 2024

Te Tira Wakamātaki. 2024. Māori Perspectives on Synthetic Biology for Environmental Protection. p 38


Māori participation in modern biosecurity follows a pattern similar to other Indigenous efforts at asserting Indigenous environmental approaches. These efforts are constrained by colonial histories and ongoing systemic marginalisation, with rare moments to pursue self-determination but occasional opportunities to engage and inform wider strategies. Many Māori communities are well aware of the urgency of the biosecurity challenges in Aotearoa today. This “situational awareness” and Māori commitment to biodiversity as a cultural as well as an economic foundation to our lives, underpins the formation of Te Tira Whakamātaki, and our involvement in this particular project.

Te Tira Whakamātaki (TTW) is a Māori environmental not-for-profit and was included in this project to engage with Māori across Aotearoa on their perspectives of synthetic biology, termed genetic technologies for this project*, for environmental protection. TTW’s aim was to examine the cultural, social, and emotional factors that made Māori participants either comfortable or uncomfortable with the use of genetic technology. Our goal is to use this information to spread awareness amongst Māori communities of potential biosecurity tools; inform them of the factors driving attitudes to gene tech; and be a reliable source of information for decision makers to consider when approaching Māori communities with genetic technology proposals.


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