WEBINAR: End use cases of reference databases

URL: https://youtu.be/K0wWrP3ArUc

Wānanga 1: End-use cases of reference databases

May 2023

Wānanga 1: End-use cases of reference databases
Te Tiriti-guided national DNA reference library wānanga series

Facilitators: Dr Susie Wood (Cawthron) & Dr Shaun Wilkinson (Wilder Lab)

A DNA reference library constitutes a collection of often short sequences that help identify a species. But even small sequences can help solve big problems.

This wānanga will showcase the range of end-uses that a national reference library can support and should be fit-for-purpose to accommodate.

The speakers here are specialists who use knowledge derived from DNA-based tools for decision making across Aotearoa. From catching wildlife trafficking, to testing water quality, and looking for invasive species, we will explore how day-to-day decisions are underpinned by high-quality barcode data.

Q&A Wānanga 1: End-use cases of reference databases

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