RA1.2 STORYMAP: Te Māra Tautāne

URL: https://arcg.is/15CTCH

Te Māra Tautāne: Revitalising a customary practice

February 2023

Tassell-Matamua N, Kora A. 2023. Te Māra Tautāne. ArcGis Online, Centre for Indigenous Psychologies at Massey University.


Te Māra Tautāne is a collaborative research project between hapū members of Te Māhurehure in the Rūātoki Valley, and researchers at the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies at Massey University and the University of Auckland - all based in Aotearoa New Zealand. The project team includes: Ms Teina Boasa-Dean, Ms Nessy Bryce, Mrs Huka Williams, Ms Lella Uatuku, Associate Professor Natasha Tassell-Matamua, and Dr Marie McEntee.

The project team extend immense gratitude to Whaea Aporima Chapman and Ngarangi Chapman, as well as the production team at Lightshift Pictures .

This Storymap was created by Natasha Tassell-Matamua and Aorangi Kora.

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Created6 months ago
package id6e320eef-e8a8-4daa-946f-0796b680273a
revision id8fb2507c-f111-4100-a228-3b75ea51010c