RA1.1 STORYMAP: Mai i te pū ki te wānanga

URL: https://arcg.is/04XDni

Mai i te pū ki te wānanga. Exploring new ways of understanding biosecurity using wānanga as a methodology and method

September 2023

Kora A, Tassell-Matamua N, Matamua N, & Moriarty TR. 2023. Mai i te pū ki te wānanga. Exploring new ways of understanding biosecurity using wānanga as a methodology and method – He taonga kē te ngahere team Story Map. ArcGIS Online


Used as both a noun and a verb, the term wānanga can be applied across many contexts.

As a noun, wānanga is used to denote a place or space where higher learning occurs, but can also refer to specific lore or knowledge, as well as a particular person who holds certain knowledge.

As a verb, wānanga is often used in reference to the act of discussing, meeting and deliberating.

Less common is the use of the term wānanga for research purposes.

This storymap provides an overview of how wānanga has been used as both a methodology and a method, to provide new ways of conceptualising and understanding biosecurity in Aotearoa New Zealand.

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Created6 months ago
package id6e320eef-e8a8-4daa-946f-0796b680273a
revision id8fb2507c-f111-4100-a228-3b75ea51010c