RA1.1 STORYMAP: He taonga kē ngā kaumatua

URL: https://arcg.is/KSGTv

He taonga kē ngā kaumātua: Kaumātua perspectives of te taiao, ngahere and taonga species

June 2021

Tassell-Matamua N, Matamua N, Apiti A, & Lindsay N. 2021. He taonga kē ngā kaumatua – He taonga kē te Ngahere Team Story Map. ArcGIS Online.


Funded by the Mobilising for Action theme, and led by the Centre for Indigenous Psychologies , this storymap documents themes that emerged from wānanga (purposeful discussions) held with a kaumātua group about their understandings of, and the varied influences on, the meaning and value of te taiao, ngahere and ngā rākau taonga (iconic trees).

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License CC-BY 4.0 (Attribution)
Created6 months ago
package id6e320eef-e8a8-4daa-946f-0796b680273a
revision id8fb2507c-f111-4100-a228-3b75ea51010c