RA2.1 WEBPAGE: Being Manuhiri

URL: https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/partner-with-us/iwi-and-maori-partners/being-manuhiri/

Being Manuhiri - Resources for environment and recreation organisations

Several favourite walking, tramping, cycling, kayaking, and boating spots in Aotearoa NZ are now co-managed by Māori organisations and government agencies. These co-governance and co-management arrangements have been put in place through either Te Tiriti o Waitangi settlements, RMA relationship agreements, or special legislation.

This means recreation and environment groups are getting more familiar with hapū and iwi aspirations for these places; are seeing changes in landscapes and management practices; and are learning more about the histories of these areas. Collaborative management creates new opportunities for recreation and environment groups to be involved in the care of the places they visit.

More opportunities are also arising to foster appropriate relationships with tangata whenua. Both Māori and non-Māori are reflecting on what it means to be responsible manuhiri (guests and visitors) and how to best prepare to arrive with care and respect for these cherished places and their people.

The resources below have been developed through research with Māori and non-Māori and are provided to support environment and recreation groups as they discuss and develop their understandings and practices for being responsible manuhiri.

  • Discussion guide for environment and recreation groups

  • Discussion guide for environmental organisations

  • Decolonising knowledge cards set

  • Principles for collaborating with Māori

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Created6 months ago
package id6e320eef-e8a8-4daa-946f-0796b680273a
revision id8fb2507c-f111-4100-a228-3b75ea51010c